Dr. Paul Backhouse

Seminole Tribe Environmental Protection |Office Lead

Dr. Backhouse has served the Seminole Tribe of Florida for more than 17 years.  Performing duties as the Tribes Historic Preservation Officer for more than a decade and simultaneously as the Director of the Ah-Tah-Thi-Ki Museum on the Big Cypress Reservation; Dr. Backhouse currently leads the Environmental Protection Office.  The Environmental Protection Office is the Seminole Tribes governmental structure that is on the front lines of critically important areas of importance to the Tribe including Everglades Restoration, Climate Resiliency and securing Water Rights for the Tribes Reservations. 

 Dr. Backhouse holds a PhD in Archaeology from the University of Bournemouth, UK.  He is the primary author or editor of two books and numerous peer-reviewed scholarly papers and has presented at international, national and regional conferences on behalf of the Tribe. Currently serving on the Editorial Board of the Journal of Archaeological Science Reports and as an ex officio advisory role with the Florida Trust for Historic Preservation.  Dr. Backhouse is most proud to be a servant to the Tribe and is an advocate of Tribal sovereignty.